brand new townHOMES IN THE 🤍 OF NEW WEST

Never cross a bridge again...if you don't want to

2, 3 & 4 Bedroom Homes in New West

Most families looking for a larger townhome have to cross a bridge to find it. At Elina you can live in a brand new townhome in the heart of New Westminster for well under a million.

Stop worrying that you will have to move further out...

Visit us at Elina in New West

Plans & Features

Choose the Home Right for you

2 Bedroom


square feet

3 Bedroom


square feet

4 Bedroom


square feet

Frequently asked questions

Completion is estimated to be Summer 2021.

Prices for remaining homes start at $950,000 plus GST.

Sorry all of our homes are sold but we have a new development coming soon.

The total deposit structure is 10%.

We have a show home on Twelfth Street very close to the Elina townhome site. It includes a fully built out version of the main floor of the townhome.

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